Thursday, April 28, 2011

My dua'


O Allah, I really really really in desperate and in need of your mercy to enter your paradise..
I also really really hope that my parents, family, friends, and teachers could enter jannah with me too..

The more, the merrier! (Maryam,2011)


please please please make us be among those who 24/7 feel grateful
to You during our good and hard times..
Please make us among the best people that You and others love.
Please make us be the best person to our parents, family,our community, and all living things..
Please ya Allah make us be patient in everything we do and in everything we encounter in our everyday lives.
please make us be among those who forgive people and do good to them
no matter what they did to us.

We realize ya Ilahi that this world is only a TEST for us
and the akhirah(hereafter) is our destination.
So, please make us get A++ for this test ya Rabb..

Without your mercy, we are nothing...

Please make us remember that You are always and will always be our ONE AND ONLY LORD
There's no one to be worship BUT You..
Please make our love to You more dear than the cold water in the dry hot weather..
Please make our love to You and to our dear Prophet Muhammad higher than our love to others.

I know You heard my prayers my dear Lord, my beloved Rabb, ya Ilahi,
so please, please accept all my prayers :,)

p/s : jannah is expensive, so make sure we try our very best to get it so that we wouldnt regret later...

"One day your life will flash before your eyes. Make sure its worth
watching" (Fakhrul,2011)

1 comment:

chaose.error said...

ameen..semoga di permudahkan segalanya..